Sunday, July 1, 2012

{Continuing To Wait}

As I may have mentioned before, I am not the most patient person in the world- and neither is my husband. Traffic, lines, slow walking people drive us crazy! So, this whole adoption process may be driving us a little crazy. We have gotten our hopes up several times the last few months only to have them knocked back down. We are now trying to be a little more proactive in our adoption search. For the last few months we have been using a local agency (who is absolutely wonderful by the way). The only problem is that they only do about 25 adoptions total a year- and the majority of them are cute little caucasian babies. The problem? In case you haven't noticed, we are a biracial couple and kinda want to adopt a biracial baby. So...we have decided to start working with another agency (and still keep working with our current one too). A little larger agency agency this time. Still located in Kansas City, but they do a ton of national adoptions. As in about 300 a year- and even better than this number, is that they do a TON of biracial babes in that total! Yay! You may ask, "why didn't you use this agency in the first place?" Well, good question. The main reason we chose to initially use a smaller agency is cost. Adoption is a little pricey no matter what route you choose, however some agencies charge up front fees and some don't. Our first agency did not charge until we were matched with a baby (bonus!). The new agency, on the other hand, charges some up front fees, but the majority is due at match.

It almost feels like we are starting over because this new agency has an entirely different process. I have just spent the last +/- 8 hours filling out paperwork and online profiles, copying paperwork and finding over 100 pictures for our new profile. Yikes!! I have a few pictures I need to take of our house and neighborhood tomorrow, but after that I should be done. Hooray! Well, for now anyway. Our new agency also requires us to do a video profile so in the next week or so a video camera and instructions will arrive at our doorstep so we can film ourselves. Be prepared friends and may be asked to make special video appearances! :)

On a side note is was SO nice to have my fam in town this weekend to take our minds off all we have to do in regards to adoption. Thank you for sidetracking us...even if just for a few days!

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